S.T.E.M. is an acronym for educational studies in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. STEM is used to address education policy and curriculum choices in schools from grades k-12 through college to improve American competitiveness in technology development. STEM has implications for the American workforce development, national security concerns and immigration policy.
STEM Tech Neighborhood Academy
The STEM Tech program is designed to instill an I Can Do It attitude in each child’s life by teaching them how to become problem-solvers. Students are provided assistance with homework and class assignments to prevent them from falling behind in school. Correcting academic challenges improves employment success for the future.
Our Community Partners

Activities at STEM Tech Neighborhood Academy include the Electrathon Car Racing team, the Astrobonauts FIRST Lego League Robotics team, the Junior Solar Sprint Team, Rocketry, computer coding, CAD & 3D printing, and STEM and Pre-Apprenticeship skills training program development. Other activities include the “Junior” LEGO League Robotics Team (K - 4th) and the solar energy tracking station project.

STEM Tech Neighborhood Academy
1686 Marywood Road, Melbourne, FL 32934
Telephone, Administration Office: (321) 352-8195
STEM Tech Lab: (321) 352-8194